Trail Day

First a shout out to Claire on here for her recommendation to read ‘Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, Or Self-Involved Parents” by Lindsay C. Gibson. It’s been a real game changer. For the first time in my life i am seeing through behaviors and patterns that i have always accepted as “normal” because they were all i knew.I am reading this from the perspective of a parent AND as a daughter in order to recognize, re learn and heal.

Do you remember the first time someone handed you a smart phone? You were amazed, overwhelmed and spent many hours learning what to do and what not to do.Some of you may even remember the first time you experienced the internet in general- the good, the bad and the ugly. Well, this book has been very much like that for me. I am listening to it on audible in increments because i am just so ….relieved? humbled? hopeful? Honestly it’s been indescribable.

But more on that later as i will be spending great amounts of time just processing.

My own Celebration of Life event went well this past Saturday. A decent amount of people showed up and the pastor spoke briefly. The slide show played and, as my brother has been in many bands, some of his friends played songs from their recorded album. Over all a success:)

Today i chose to do the longest hike ive done yet at almost 7 miles with my backpack.The last part was the hardest because it was about 3-4 miles of open exposure in pollination feilds and then a rail trail terrain. I dont think i have been so ready to be done with it once i hit the flat road part. On the upside, it was right beside the river. There were many bike riders at that point and i was not alone most of the last 2 miles. I was pretty sore after but it was worth it just for the views:)


Getting Wild

I’ve been doing a whole lotta hiking to say the least..ive covered over 250 miles and over 37 trails in 2023. This last one was the toughest. It featured numerous stream crossings, huge boulder walls, at least 10 waterfalls, rock scrambles and mud- i was in heaven!

Of course this means i have been spending a lot of time alone, in the woods, with my thoughts. But it’s been good for me.

For one thing I still have goals to do a thru hike. The miles i am putting in, with ever increasing technical difficulty will serve me well. The miles i am putting in are keeping me from losing myself to the nightmare of losing my brother.

I have also bought 2 bucket list items!

a Zpacks 40 liter ultralight back pack and a Durston x mid 2 ultralight tent. They were pricey but totally worth it. Next up is my sleep system. Once i have the big “3” i will move into many other, smaller items. I have my water filtration system, a GPS trail App that works great, 3 pairs of decent shoes and some other stuff..but the total list is pretty extensive.

At any rate, this is my new life…

And life is good.
